Tuesday, May 20, 2008

8:53 P.M.

What was going on at our house at 8:53 p.m. tonight (simultaneously). Me-sitting at the computer trying to post some pictures. Ella-in bed banging her sippy cup on the wall chipping paint screaming "I finissssssed". Jermey-standing at the back door holding a king snake. Adrienne-cramming 2 bikinis in her backpack for water day at school tomorrow...when asked why she needed 2, this was her sweet and innocent response "well mama-you see- Jaycie's dad won't let her wear the kind with the belly out so I'm gonna take one for her myself". THEY ARE ONLY 4 and they're already being sneaky! To Jaycie's defense...it is quite possible she's oblivious to the fact that Adrienne's bringing her a bikini for water day tomorrow.


Beth said...

Don't let Jaycie fool you!! She is quite a sneaky little squirt!! I wouln't be surprised if they had the whole thing planned out!! And she's right, her daddy wouldn't let her wear one with the belly misssing!!

Tasha said...

Oh Beth is right! Jaycie did know! After you called to tell me the "plan". I called my mom and she told me that Jaycie made her promise not to tell me that Adrienne was bringing her a "two piece" for water day. We are going to have our hands full with these two!

The Wilsons said...

Oh my!!!! I don't know if my kids can hang around with those girls anymore!!!!!!!

Amanda said...

What are you talking about Annie...it's problably your kid trying to get them to wear the bikinis in the first place! he he ha ha he